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Organization & Team


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Release Notes

Release Notes


About organization & team

Organization & Team is a shared account where businesses and small teams can collaborate across multiple projects simultaneously, while benefiting from enhanced security and administrative features.

The Organization & Team feature is available for users with the Pro plan and the Enterprise plan.

Create organization

You can create the organization after subscribing to the Pro plan or the Enterprise plan on JITERA. Click on the organization button in the top right menu.


Create the name and logo of the organization.


Buy seats

To invite members to your organization, you will need to buy seats for your organization. Each member in the organization occupies one seat. Click on the Invite Member button and then proceed to click on the Buy seats button to complete the payment process.


Please enter the quantity of seats and click the Continue button to proceed with the payment. The payment method is the same as your subscription payment and is pre-filled in this payment form.



Invite member to your organization

Please click the Invite member button, enter the new member's email address, and send the invitation to the member. JITERA supports sending organization invitations to both unregistered and registered users.


You can resend or delete the invitation while it is in the pending invitation status.

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After the new member accepts the invitation via email, they will join your organization. As an admin, you have the ability to remove members from the organization.

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Organization projects and private projects

After creating the organization, you will have access to both the organization project space and the private project space. If you want to collaborate on a project with your organization members, remember to create it in the organization space.


Add member to project (Team)

In your organization project, as an admin, you can add members who are in your organization. Click the Team button on the left panel to go to the project team page. Click the Add Member button and select the member you want to add to the project.



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