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Project overview

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Configure database

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Configure API endpoints

Import from Figma

Configure using Editor

Export and running

Release Notes

Release Notes


Export Project

Jitera provides you the export function in order to turn project configuration into the code when you complete the project configuration for web, mobile, and API apps.

Jitera currently supports Next.js for web apps, React Native for mobile apps, and Ruby on Rails for API servers and planning to support more frameworks in the near future for instance Java, and NestJS for the API

To export the project, Jitera provides two options to export the project

  1. Export to the local machine
  2. Export to the GitHub repository

<aside> ⚠️ Please do not update the configuration while exporting the project because it might cause an error for the exported code


Export to local machine

To export to the local machine, go to the project and click the “Export” button on the top left menu and then select the target export project framework and lastly click the “Download” button to download the source code to your local machine


Export to GitHub Repository

Authentication with the Jitera GitHub App

When you link a site to a Git repository, Jitera must gain permission to access your repository code.

<aside> 💡 Jitera platform currently supports the GitHub organization, If you want to keep your code in the GitHub organization please follow the step per this link GitHub document


To export to the GitHub repository, Go to the DevOps menu and Git repository submenu and clicks the Connect button


When you connect GitHub as your Git provider, you will be prompted to install the Jitera GitHub App, if you haven’t already.

During installation, you can choose to grant the app access to all repositories belonging to your GitHub user or organization, or to specific repositories only.

Screenshot 2023-01-12 at 18.13 1.png

If you don’t get this install prompt, the app has already been installed on your GitHub account or on a GitHub organization you belong to. You can confirm that the app is installed and has the correct permissions by checking your Installed GitHub Apps.

Export to GitHub repository

Select the existing repository in the Repository name select box or create a new repository by entering the new repository name in the Repository name and then clicking the Connect button to connect to the GitHub


Click the Export button on the top left menu and select the target export project framework


And fill in the branch name into the branch input and then clicks the Pull request button to create the pull request to the connected repository


The export project progress box will appear at the bottom left side of the screen. Wait until the export project progress is completed


Finally, the new code will be exported as the pull request in the connected repository per the image below


<aside> 💡 If it is a new repository without any code, Jitera will automatically commit the code directly to the master branch without creating the new pull request


Rails credentials

By default, Rails encrypt secrets before storing them in a credentials.yml.enc file. This file contains at least the secret_key_base of the application that is used to encrypt cookies as well as any other secret useful to your application such as API keys. To encrypt the credentials.yml.enc file, Rails uses a key stored in a master.key file. This detector focuses on catching this master key. Read more Rails Custom Credentials

How to use master.key in the exported project?

After exporting the project with Included master.key, this file contains the master key for all environments

- production: ea47b02eda7e1270a16aabd5de043d24
- staging: 211c1b72966400e078e0df6ad0ba4f5a
- development: a3fdaed6a6baf3e201788d63c6ce4707

How to add/update credentials?

We can edit the credentials by running the following command:

$ EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit --environment environment

This will open a vim editor with the decrypted version of the credentials file.

We can add new credentials in YAML format. Let's add the following lines, save the changes, and exit.

  access_key_id: 123
  secret_access_key: 345
  app_id: 123
  app_secret: 345

When we save it, it encrypts again using the same master key

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