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What is Localization?

Localization allows you to setup the language that user can use on project which be able to selected the default and available language that user can select localization for the ease of use in your product.

Current language support are English, Japanese, German, Spanish, French, and Italian.

Setup Localization

To setup the localizations, you can select the default localization and available localizations per when you create a new project image below


Update Localizations

To update the localization, click on the “Localizations” menu ****of the left menu and click “Language settings” button, The Edit Localization Modal will open immediately


When you finish the update the localization, Click “Save Changes” button

Screen Shot 2565-04-29 at 14.42.58.png

Once the update is successful, It will automatically update the the Localization Record Table on the right side of the localization page


Basic Localization Flow

  1. Go to web editor

  2. Current language is displayed on the top center.

    Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 12.35.50 PM.png

  3. You can click on it and change the language the editor will display

  4. You can add or remove languages by going to the Localizations menu and clicking Language Settings


    Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 12.38.45 PM.png

    Adding a localization

    1. Add a Text component (other components support localization as well)

      Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 12.22.07 PM.png

    2. Click on the Text element you just added and start typing a word/sentence

      Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 12.24.16 PM.png

    3. After you are done typing the word/sentence press Enter or click outside the text input to create the localization. A localization key should appear below the input.

      Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 12.27.35 PM.png

    4. If you have two or more languages added, the translation button will appear on the right side of the input. If you click on it, it will open a pop where you can add translations for the current languages the project supports.

      Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 12.27.35 PM.png

      Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 12.34.18 PM.png

    5. If you decide you don’t need a localization anymore you can remove by click the remove button on the bottom right corner.

    Reusing localizations

    If you already created a localization and need to use the same word/sentence in other parts of the app you can reuse the localization instead of creating a new one every time.

    Let’s say I have a Text component with the a Home localization and I need to add a Button component that will have the same text.

    1. Add a Button element

      Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 12.47.54 PM.png

    2. While the Button element is selected, on the Text Content field click the Set from variable option

      Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 12.49.45 PM.png

    3. This will open a popup where you should choose Localizations as source and the choose the Home localization in our case. Finally click the Save button.

      Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 12.51.20 PM.png

    4. Now those two Text and Button elements shared the same localization, this means if you update the text in one of those components it will be updated in both places, they also share all the translations in other languages.

    Figma import flow

    Current recommended flow after a successful Figma import is the following.

    1. Make sure the current language is set to language the Figma files are in.
    2. Go to each of the pages, click on the Text , Button and Input components present, click on the Text Content input and press enter to add the localization. You shouldn’t need to write any text since it should be already there, just press enter or click outside of the input.
    3. Make sure to reuse localizations for repeated words instead of creating a new one every time.

    It is recommend to update FE localizations in the Web Editor instead of the Localizations menu, specially if you use the Figma import feature.


    Backend localizations are added automatically, cannot be removed only updated.

    You can update the backend localizations in two places:

    Localizations table

    Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 1.07.26 PM.png

    Database column popup

    Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 1.10.04 PM.png

    Notes: Localizations feature is not currently available in the mobile editor.

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