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API Endpoints

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Organization & Team


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Project overview

Create project

Configure database

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Configure API endpoints

Import from Figma

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Export and running

Release Notes

Release Notes


Configure database

This step will tutorial on how we can configure database information

Video tutorial

  1. Choose Database → Database Editor

Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 10.35.58.png

  1. Based on the requirements of this note project, we need only 2 tables
    1. Users
    2. Notes

So just press Create table button and define the table we need

Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 10.38.33.png

Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 10.39.06.png

  1. Next steps, after creating 2 tables users and notes, we need to define column information for these 2 tables

Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 10.41.03.png

  1. Then we gonna add the needed column for our web application
    1. Added fullname column into users table
    2. Added content column into notes table

Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 12.06.55.png

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