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API Endpoints

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Configure API endpoints

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What is API endpoints?

API Endpoints are a kind of gateway that connects the server processes of the application to the front-end (web or mobile application itself). Each endpoint will be associated with its table.

Every endpoint has route/URL, method (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE), model function, request parameters and response parameters.


Created at least one table (see Table configuration)

View endpoints

To view API endpoints, go to API endpoints menu. By default, the existing endpoint groups that are generated from your database tables will appear on the left pane.


Clicking on an endpoint group on the left pane will open the endpoints list on the right pane.

Enable or disable API endpoint

On the endpoints list, toggle the status of an endpoint to “ON” to enable that endpoint.


To disable the endpoint, toggle the status back to “OFF”.

There are five pre-configuration endpoints in the endpoint list that can be enabled and configured. Example below for table users:

Configure and delete API endpoint

To configure the API endpoint, click “edit” icon.


The configuration panel will appear immediately on the right side


To delete the endpoint, click “delete” icon near the “edit” icon

Configure HTTP method and URL

To configure HTTP request method, select the HTTP method in the select box.

To configure URL request, specify the request url to the url input


HTTP method options:

Configure request params

To refine the request params for the endpoint, fill in the name and datatype option


You can also enter the JSON request parameter by click “auto-fill” link and fill the json object that you want as request params to text area field


Configure model function

GET method with search action

To configure the filter function of GET model function, there are three areas that can be configured

  1. General
  2. Condition table
  3. Pagination and ordering



Input fields

Condition table

The table is used for filter the list of table record that match with the configured conditions


Column definition

Query option

To delete a condition, click “Trash” button, the condition row will disappear in the condition table

Pagination and ordering

Pagination and ordering of the table record result


Input fields

GET method with show action

To configure the show function of GET model function, there are two areas that can be configured

  1. General
  2. Condition table


The configuration can be configured the same as General configuration of the GET model function with show action configuration


Condition table

The table is used for selecting only one the record that match with the configured condition


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