Getting Started



API Endpoints

Mobile Editor

Web Editor


Organization & Team


Figma Import

Advance configure

Email Authentication

Phone authentication

Full project tutorial

Project overview

Create project

Configure database

Configure modules

Configure API endpoints

Import from Figma

Configure using Editor

Export and running

Release Notes

Release Notes


Import from Figma

This step will introduce our Figma plugin to help speed up our configuration progress

Video tutorial

Example Figma file:

  1. Install plugin Figma to Jitera Studio


  1. Choose some selected page in Figma design, then Right click → Choose plugin → Figma to Jitera Studio

    Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 16.24.57.png

  2. Choose some specific pages wanna export, and then press Generate selected nodes button

    Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 16.25.30.png

  3. After that, we press the Download button to download the studio file

  4. After downloading, you will see some files similar like this

  5. Go back to Jitera tool, select PageImport from studio file

    Then drag the file downloaded at step 5 here

    Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 16.27.50.png

    Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 16.29.02.png

  6. After import specific file, you will see detail screen information, reviewed it, then press ok button to finish

    Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 16.30.25.png

  7. Review result after import

    Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 16.32.36.png

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Configure using Editor

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