Getting Started



API Endpoints

Mobile Editor

Web Editor


Organization & Team


Figma Import

Advance configure

Email Authentication

Phone authentication

Full project tutorial

Project overview

Create project

Configure database

Configure modules

Configure API endpoints

Import from Figma

Configure using Editor

Export and running

Release Notes

Release Notes



We have multiple useful features modules for your projects

1. Email login

Email login module provides user authentication using email. Once enabled, it generates API endpoints for sign up, sign in, sign out and reset password.


Add or delete the module

To add the email login module, go to “Modules” menu and search with the keyword “Email Login”. The Email login module will appear as the search result, click “+ Add” button to enable the module.


The email login modal will show immediately, fill the associated users table that want to associate with the email login module, and click “Save” button to save the setting


<aside> 💡 The table is automatically created according to the input value if no existing table in the project.

If you go to the “Database” menu, the new table according to the setting will appear as pre-defined columns


When the save progress is completed, the email login modal will disappear immediately and the “Edit” button will appear instead of “+ Add” button.


To delete the module, click “Edit” button and then click “Trash” icon. The confirmation dialog will show, click “Yes, delete” to delete the module


2. Basic authentication

Basic authentication is the module that provides the basic authentication to protect web apps using passwords.

For example when the user trying to access to Admin dashboard user URLs, the default login dialog will appear immediately

Screen Shot 2565-05-11 at 16.14.07.png

Add or delete the module

To add the basic authentication module, go to the “Modules” menu and search with the keyword “basic authentication”. The module will appear as the search result, click the “+ Add” button to enable the module.


The modal box will show immediately, fill the username and password to the environment that needs basic authentication, and click the “Save” button to save the setting


When the save progress is completed, the modal will disappear immediately and the “Edit” button will appear instead of the “+ Add” button.

To delete the module, click the “Edit” button and then click the “Trash” icon. The confirmation dialog will show, click “Yes, delete” to delete the module


Important note

When exporting the project, make sure to export the master.key with the project to use this feature


3. SMS login with Twilio

SMS login with Twilio provides authentication using phone number. You will need Twilio account in order to use this module. When enabled, API endpoints for sending and verifying OTP code for phone authentication will be generated.

Screen Shot 2565-05-12 at 15.33.26.png

Add or delete the module

To add the Twilio module, go to the “Modules” menu and search with the keyword “Twilio”. The module will appear as the search result, click the “+ Add” button to enable the module.


The modal box will show immediately, fill the username and password to the environment that needs basic authentication, and click the “Save” button to save the setting


Input fields (see Twilio configuration value below)

When the save progress is completed, the modal will disappear immediately and the “Edit” button will appear instead of the “+ Add” button.

To delete the module, click the “Edit” button and then click the “Trash” icon. The confirmation dialog will show, click “Yes, delete” to delete the module


Twilio configuration

Twilio SID and Twilio token

To get sid and token, go to your Twilio account and copy *Account SID and Auth Token *****under the ****Account Info ****section.


Twilio Service Id

To get a service id, go to your Twilio console and go to Messaging > Services page and then copy Sid of your messaging service.


If you don’t have messaging service yet, you can create a new one by following the steps below.

  1. Go to to “Explore Product” page ( and select "Messaging” Product


  2. Select the “Services” menu and click the “Create Messaging Service” button


  3. Finish the “Messaging Service Setup” steps


  4. Once finish the steps, the new messaging service will show under the messaging service table

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