Getting Started



API Endpoints

Mobile Editor

Web Editor


Organization & Team


Figma Import

Advance configure

Email Authentication

Phone authentication

Full project tutorial

Project overview

Create project

Configure database

Configure modules

Configure API endpoints

Import from Figma

Configure using Editor

Export and running

Release Notes

Release Notes


Getting started

Welcome to Jitera! Jitera is Development Automation Designed for Developers

1. Access Jitera Studio

You can either access Jitera Studio from the browser by visiting or directly visiting

2**. Sign up and create a project**

To get started with Jitera Studio, create a new account through this link Once you have set up your account, you will be able to create as many projects as you like.

3. Create a project

To create a new project, go to the project list page by clicking “Jitera Icon” on the top left menu and click “Create new project” button. The new project form will open immediately.


Fill in your project information. You can optionally provide additional locale(s), cover image, and description of your project.


Click the Create button to create a new project. It will automatically open the Project Database Editor page per the image below

Screen Shot 2565-04-29 at 11.03.33.png

3**. Invite a team member**

To create a team member, go to the “Team” ****menu and click the “Invite Member” button


After clicked “Invite Member” button, The invite member ****modal will open immediately

Screen Shot 2565-05-01 at 19.14.42.png

Enter the email (required) and click the “Send” button. The invite member ****modal will close ****and ****the ****new member email ****will appear in the team members table with pending invitation status the invitation email will also automatically send to the new member email.


After team member clicked invitation link in email, the sign up page will open.

Screen Shot 2565-05-01 at 19.22.35.png

Click “Save changes” to complete account detail. The project list page will open immediately

To delete the team member, hover “...” link and click “Delete user” menu


On this page